Friday, December 5, 2008

Tis the Season...2005

Tis the Season... For CHANGE in the Memmott House!

The biggest change in our family this year will be our address. We have decided to change addresses and move to Greg's hometown in Chi. Mexico. We are excited (and scared) for this change in our lives! We are not exactly sure when the move will take place, but it will be before January. Our new address is P.O. Box #130, Columbus, NM 88029.

Cambria has changed her status and officially became a graduate of ASU as of Dec. 16, 2005. It has only taken me 5 1/2 years to do it, but 6 different houses, marriage, a baby, 3 summer sessions, and a lot of money later I am finally done. I graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in Speech Therapy and maybe in a few years I can muster up some energy to apply for the Master's Program. I have also spent a lot of change at yard sales this year buying baby clothes and trinkets for a quarter.

Greg has changed jobs this year. He went from keychain maker to plumber, and will not try his hand at being a farmer. (FYU- or for your understanding as he like to say- Greg's family has peach orchards in Mexico so that is what he will be doing). Greg's biggest change this year is that he has gone from a whopping 129 to 130 pounds! We share this amazing change so that you'll be able to recognize him the next time you see him. Also, please no comments as he is very self conscious of this significant change.

Alan (now 15 months) has had the most changes in our family. We lost count at 1,326, but here are a few that we managed to keep track of: #1- He changed from rollin gover to crawling and then at 9 1/2 months decided to change to walking. #2 - he got 6 new teeth. #3- He has already had two haircuts. The other 1,323 changes that are now sitting in the landfill his parents would rather not have changed.

We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Season of Change!

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