Friday, December 19, 2008

Merry Christmas, 2008

Dear Family and Friends,

We hope this letter finds you all happy and well and enjoying this wonderful Christmas Season. I have decided to cut back on the cost of printing letters and pictures and just do a Christmas blog. This way you can look back on previous years, or just browse this years letter and pics. I also like to be able to look back on all of our Christmas letters and pics in one place.

First off I have to apologize for not getting a Christmas letter out last year. Molly was born on January 17, 2007, and that is all I need for my excuse of not getting a letter out. So we will start way back there.

We had a wonderful 2006 holiday season with Greg's family and stayed home in Mexico. Alan was at the time, 2 years old. Molly was supposed to be born on Feb. 3, 2007, but she decided she was done cooking and came a few weeks early. It was a very fast birth and we had a midwife come to the house again. Molly was born at 11:22 p.m. and after I laid there for an hour and a half and the placenta still would not come out we called a doctor and made a trip in the ambulance to the hospital. (Can't I please just have a NORMAL birth!?) Molly was a tiny little thing, 2 lbs. smaller than Alan was at birth, 6.4 lbs, 19 inches long.

It never snows where we live, but literally days after we had Molly it snowed a TON!

Happy February!

Molly was blessed in March.

Father's Day 2007

Greg was busy all year with the greenhouses, but took some time in August to go with us to AZ.
I did a lot of bottling during the summer and fall. Applesauce, and yes, we go through that much applesauce in a year.

Alan was boots for Halloween and Molly was appropriately a devil.

We spent Thanksgiving and Christmas at my parent's house in Gilbert.

So, now onto 2008! Molly turned one on Jan. 17.

She is a very slow growing little girl, she has tons of hair, but still only weighs 20 pounds (and she will be two in a month!) She started walking a few weeks after her birthday. She is now jabbering away and lets you know exactly what she wants.
This was a few days after she started walking, she got two bumps and then Alan drew on her with a pen.

We went to AZ in March and enjoyed a trip to the zoo. Alan after looking at the flamingos for a while "Mommy, some of them have one leg and some of them have two legs!"

Alan is still enjoying Joy School that we do twice a week.
He turned 4 in September.

Alan was SUPER ALAN for Halloween and Molly was a Koala Bear.

I again bottled a lot of peaches, apples, applesauce, apple pie filling, pears, soup, tomatoes, jam, apple juice, and enchilada sauce. I have also become a tiny bit obsessed with organizing since Molly was born. Poor Greg is still trying to figure out where the tape is. I love to clean out the closets! I also repainted the kids room this summer. It was yellow and now it is brown, white, pink and blue.

We spent Thanksgiving at my parents house, and I shopped like a fool on Black Friday! Santa got a great deal on a Trampoline!

We will be in MX for Christmas and I am really looking forward to a nice Christmas! We are truly blessed for our health and safety each and every day. We love our little family so much it hurts and we are looking forward to tons more fun in 2009!

Love: Greg, Cambria, Alan and Molly Memmott


Jarmeg Family said...

Those pictures you had taken are SOOOOO cute. Molly looks so pretty and grown up!!

Amy said...

I'm glad I got to catch up on the rest of what I missed before I started reading your blog.

You have such a sweet, beautiful family. Merry Christmas!

Kimberly said...

That was a great Christmas letter! And very cool to look back on the years past too. I love those pictures of your kids! They are so adorable and perfect models!! Have a very Merry Christmas I love ya!