Monday, November 24, 2008


Dear Family and Friends,

Sorry this letter is a little late. Our New Year's Resolution was to not procrastinate, so obviously we are doing really well on that one. Here is our year in a nutshell.

January- We moved into a house in Mesa, two weeks later it sold and we had to pack everything up and put it in storage. School started , Greg was at ASU Main and I was at Chandler Gilbert Community College.

February- We then moved into my parents house until we could find a house to buy. I got a job at Automart Superstore where I get paid to do my homework and study. It is a very good job to have while going to school.

March- We celebrated our second anniversary! We are officially not "Honeymooners" anymore. (Or maybe that title is lost when you have a kid?) I also turned 21 and can legally buy dry ice.

April- We continued the house hunting in vain and quickly discovered that we are very picky about what we want. School is still school. Greg was still working with his key chains. We also went to Country Thunder, and big concert out in the boonies.

May- School is done for the semester. YEAH! We were very blessed to find a house that is perfect for us and we decide to move the week of finals. Do we plan things to be this difficult? Greg sold his big gas guzzling truck and got a little economical one.

June- I decided to be a psycho for a month and take a Physics course in summer school, and an online Spanish course. That turned out to be a really bad month and made for a very grumpy Cambria. Greg was very patient and retreated to Mexico to get some stuff done down there. We also spent a weekend with Cambria's family in Show Low, AZ. Greg is still trying to figure out a way to move there.

July- We both breathed a sigh of relief that summer school is over and gear up for the upcoming semester. I painted our kitchen bright red (with the helpof Lowe's and my Mom) and Greg decides that "It looks too much like a catalog."

August- I started at ASU Main in the Speech Therapy program and Greg is at ASU East in the Agrobusiness program. I was wishing I could go back to EAC, or CGCC, ASU is way too big!

September- Wake up, go to school, come home, eat, go to work, come home, eat, go to bed. Obviously this was a very exciting month.

October- I had a surprise birthday party for Greg. It was very fun, but don't ever plan a surprise birthday party for someone you live with. I had to be way too sneaky! The only thing that Greg said kind of gave it away was that the house was too clean! We had a good time and it was fun to see all the friends and family who came.

November- We painted our bedroom ( this time with the help of Lowe's and Greg) and turned it into our "cowboy" room, it now has a bit of a western theme to it. Greg was slammed with work for the upcoming season. Lots of keychains were made in November. We spent Thanksgiving in Mexico with the Memmott clan.

December- We were both very relieved that the semester was over. My semester was very hard and I am not quite sure what I have gotten myself into. Greg is also relieved when the keychain orders slow a bit and he can get some sleep at night. We spent a few weeks in Mexico for Christmas and the Nuevo Ano.

This was a very big year of change for us and we are grateful for all the support and help we were given. We are grateful for all the wonderful friends and family that we are continually blessed with! Hope you all have a wonderful year!

Love - Greg and Cambria Memmott

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